WFOB celebrates Gia as the Lady of the Month for June
Another great story from our adoring, fit, and healthy community that makes up WFOB! Read on to meet one of WFOB’s most consistent gym-goers.

What do you do for work? I am a legal assistant at Sandulli Grace, PC.
What made you join WFOB? I joined WFOB after I had my daughter 3 years ago. Working full time made it hard for me to find time to work out. I wanted to spend my time at home with my family. I decided to try working out on my lunch hour and WFOB was right across the street and offered classes everyday!
What are your fitness goals? My only real fitness goal is to keep going! I was in a bad accident when I was a child that causes me a lot of problems as an adult. When I am consistently working out, it helps manage the pain. Not to mention that I mentally feel 1,000x better after a solid week of working out!