Meet Marvelous Maggie this March, WFOB’s Lady of the Month

Meet Marvelous Maggie this March, WFOB’s Lady of the Month

Meet Marvelous Maggie this March, WFOB’s Lady of the Month

Another great story from our adoring, fit, and healthy community that makes up WFOB is here! Read on to meet one of WFOB’s most consistent gym-goers.
What do you do for work?
I’m an attorney for a financial services firm, focusing on regulatory advocacy.

What made you join WFOB? 

Several years ago I had about four months to get ready for a planned surgery and I wanted to work with a personal trainer to get fit before the surgery and then help me bounce back afterward. I also wanted to join a women’s gym because I could cut down on the number of colleagues I might run into at the gym- I like to forget the office as much as possible when I work out.


What are your fitness goals? 

Building/maintaining stamina and strength, to help me look and feel my best.

How has your life changed since becoming a member? 

I used to be very inconsistent with working out, but since I joined WFOB I work out at least four times a week.  And sometimes I can even open a jar of marinara sauce with my bare hands!

What is the pose or move in any class or workout that makes you feel strong?

Bird-dog, because I have a hard time with balance, and holding that feels like an accomplishment.

What do you think everyone should know about WFOB?

The classes are great, and it’s a nice laid back gym with lots of friendly people.